Sli for a newbie pc owner or not?!



hi,i have recently ordered a gaming pc with a gtx 460 with the intention of possibly buying a second gtx 460 later on to use in sli.Now im rather new to the pc scene and consequently i lack knowledge in regards to pc's-maintainance,use ,even windows use, though im a quick learner .My question is , given my general ignorance does the community think it is wise to eventually opt for an sli configuration as there are many potential problems that may arise-arguably more than ,say if i instead just opted for amopre powerful single card as opposed to another gtx 460 in sli.My pc savvy friend says i should just opt for a powerful single card..with an sli configuration should i expect many problems...thanks


Did you build the pc yourself? If you did, you shouldn't have any troubles.

Not really hard, as long as the PSU is good enough you just plug the damn thing in and enable it in NCP, there isn't much too it.

This is my first SLI build, I've been using it since 2008, and I havn't had any problems with it.

At this point the GTX460 is already a sunken cost, I'd SLI it if you need more performance. You may be happy with the performance as it is, however. So try it out and see, first.


,no . did not build myself ..i dont even have it yet,waiting for it.....thanks for advice