UATX motherboard



I'm looking for a uATX motherboard for this case...

I know ATX is better but I don't need or like the big space. The HAF 912 desktop I built was too big for me and so I'm selling it and building a new desktop.

I think its a very nice case if you guys know a better one I wouldn't mind looking at it. ;)
The motherboard I have looked at so far is...

I'm not going to buy too soon... I'm going to get the ivy bridge equivalent as soon as it comes out. I'm just building one right now for budgeting reasons to see how much I should plan for; I need to figure how much to sell my old desktop for, how much to save for car parts, and plan my part time job hours.

I'll do heavy overclocking with the motherboard and will get a 2500k ivy bridge equivalent. The motherboard needs to have 4 ram slots min and must be mATX. I planned to buy a motherboard for around $150 but I will pay more if the benefits are worth it.

Well, for one You can throw an Ivy Bridge processor in there once it comes out...

That said, good choice, can't get much better as far as motherboards go. Asus RoG are awesome components.


Yeah... I can't find any better. ITX boards all suck and this matx board was the only one I found that I think will be powerful enough. Even without looking at reviews I knew this matx was powerful because it requires 8pin for cpu rather than 4 like the others. :p