Ssd installed. Some questions about using old hdd and new ssd together

b lurkn

Jan 30, 2013
So I bought a 128gb ssd for windows and games I play frequently.
I have windows and everything I want on the ssd on it now as we'll as my hdd hooked up and working.
Now I don't know what I need to keep of the ssd and what to delete. File folders that were on my old desktop are found in users > xxxx > desktop
Do I just move these ad delete these user files or do I need to keep them. I'm new to this and don't really know how to run the 2 together. I don't want to delete the wrong things.
Or do I start to think of my hdd as a big folder?
What are some things you guy suggest I do?


Feb 14, 2013
With a 128 GB SSD you should be able to fit most of your daily applications.

I would treat the HDD as a big folder where you can store your larger files.

For instance, In my workstation I have windows and all of my programs installed to my SSD, and then have all of my music, pictures, videos etc in folders on my HDD.

b lurkn

Jan 30, 2013
So I would be okay just moving the folders out from the old user folders to the first section of the hdd and then delete the old user files and other crap I don't need?