Overheating / BSOD / Page faults = MoBo or RAM?


Sep 30, 2011

I've been having this problem for months now and I just bought a $250 video card because I thought my 3-yo GeForce 8500GT was the cause.

Here's what I get whenever I try to do anything CPU-intensive, like playing TF2/other games:

- Motherboard overheating by 5-10 degrees (114F on idle)
- Data Execution errors whenever I quit a game (says the process has been terminated to prevent system damage)
- BSOD "Page Fault Found In A Non Paged Area" Error 50 (I have the minidump but not sure how to read it)
- I usually leave my PC on Sleep while I'm away but if I ever do turn it off and on again it takes me 5-10 minutes to get it to POST. It doesn't give me a beep and the monitor doesn't get a signal. I usually have to unplug the HD (mostly to avoid errors on it from all the force-restarting) then it works.
- 10/13/2011 2:26:35 PM, Error: Application Popup [1801] - The hardware has reported an uncorrectable memory error.

Here are my system specs (Custom built, 3 years old):
Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 @ 2.4Ghz
8GB DDR2 Supertalent RAM
64-bit Vista Sp2
GeForce 8500GT
MoBo is an ASUS P5B SE
(NEW) Corsair TX650 PSU
2 fans + 2 extractors + 1 hd fan

- 3 months ago it had a faulty DDR2 module and I got a replacement from the manufacturer. I didnt try running a memtest after that because it came in a new pack. The other 3 modules gave me no errors.

I've googled about the BSOD and it mentions mainly RAM, VideoCard, MoBO as culprits. I need help narrowing it down because I can't replace the whole thing right now.

I'd really appreciate any help on this matter.
114F is hot for case temp but not excessive for reliable operation, provided quality memory is used. Run with only 1 DIMM at a time, and if BSODs stop, memory may be marginal due to unbranded chips on Supertalent DIMMs.


Aug 31, 2009
114F is hot for case temp but not excessive for reliable operation, provided quality memory is used. Run with only 1 DIMM at a time, and if BSODs stop, memory may be marginal due to unbranded chips on Supertalent DIMMs.


Sep 30, 2011
Here's an update:

- Ran MemTest (not MemTest86) for 8 hours, no errors reported. Just as a precaution I removed the new DIMM even if it showed no errors.

- ChkDsk reported no bad sectors. CPU temp and everything else seems fine except for the motherboard overheating.

Any ideas?