US based motherboard companies bonus if US assembled)


Nov 24, 2008
I am going to build a few systems to give as gifts and a couple to sell. I am trying to get as many components(well, all of them, if i can) from US based companies.

I am leaning towards OCZ for memory, a couple of their TB hybrid for a couple of the systems, and I think they now sell PC Power and Cooling, so maybe their power supplies. What else can I source from them?

I have heard PC P&C supplies can be a bit loud, so who else is an option? Corsair? Who else?

I wanted to use EVGA, but they are too pricey and I'm not buying enough to get a discount, so I would rather use another company. (looking at you, Dwight) : /

I found this thread, but it is from 2006.

Is any of it still applicable?

The systems will have:
two mechanical in raid 1
core i3, so integrated graphics

doing a couple or 3 media pc builds, so 3 disks in raid 5, in addition to the two in raid 1. if I need to put in a sata card, that is fine, but that adds cost. so raid 5 and 1 from the board.

Also, I think Western Digital is US, is that true? Who else does mechanical HDDs US based.

thank you.


Nov 24, 2008
yeah, heard about the foolds. sucks, about to build 11 systems, so 24 drives. my pricepoint just went up. crappy.

who is a good us based memory? patriot? corsair?

i know all the fab is over seas, but at least a can keep a few jobs and dollars here. as much as i can.