
Mar 26, 2011
I'm thinking about building a Server, as a home project and as part of a course that I'm doing. I have an extra large ATX tower case that can easily accomodate a server board. In-fact it may have been a server case.
What I would like to be able to do is have two PSU's (both powering the same m'board) in such a way that I have full redunancy, so that in the event of one failing it should be possible to 'hot swap' the failed unit while the still-functioning unit continues to deliver uninterrupted power to the 'board.
I want to be able to use standard ATX PSUs. This may involve the designing of somekind of circuit-board into which both PSU's are plugged which would then Mannage them. Are there any electronics wizzards on this forum?

Deleted member 362816

Piggy back/splice one into the other but then again this is a dumb idea. I dont really think there is a way that is worth it to do this. most server cases are more or less hot swap everything lol. Get a quailty psu and dont worrie about it/