Which GTX 460 should i get


Apr 10, 2008
Getting some new stuff for Christmas and can't decide on the graphics card. I think that im gonna go with a GTX 460, but can't decide on the best manufacturer. I also want to keep it below $200 so i think i need to go with the 768mb version.'

Been Looking at these 2



Are either of these good? or does any one have any better suggestions, even if its not a 460?

have i5-750 2.66Ghz
4gb of ram
EVGA P55 LE motherboard.
You may not be aware that the 768MB 460 is not the 460 everyone has been talking about. The 1GB 460 not only has more memory, but its faster. its as if the 768MB version was really a 455.

If you knew that, then the answer to your question is buy the Zotac - its faster outof the box.

If you didn't, the answer is neither . . . buy this one:


Combines quality company, low price, OC performance.
Well, the prices of the 768mb version have gone down a lot. The Asus DirectCU, one of the best models, costs $130 after rebate with free shipping and a free copy of H.A.W.X. 2.

The 1gb version is still better, though, and I would second the opinion to go with the Gigabyte OC for $180 with H.A.W.X. 2 and $1.99 shipping.

If you can't afford the Gigabyte, then the AsusDirectCU is about as cheap as you will find one of the better GTX460's.
The MSI Hawk card linked above is the best GTX 460 you can buy. Right now newegg has 10% off all video cards with promo code EMCZZYR24 which brings that card down to $191 shipped, $171 after the rebate.
You could also save some money by going with the Gigabyte card or an HD6850 but especially if you are going to overclock the Hawk is your best choice within your budget.