Building New Gaming Computer Tomorrow Morning ! HELP


Jul 4, 2010
I'm purchasing my brand new computer tomorrow !

Im only spending 850 tomorrow at a local store who's prices are similar to

Although the total budget will be about 1100 CAD after I need to know great parts to get for an upgradable system when I get my 300 bucks in a month or two.

Needs To Be i7 CPU

I don't care about i5, sandy bridge, some sort of i7 CPU.

Great Motherboard that is attractive ( Im shallow ) just so that when I have it put together it feels sexy :)<3

8 - 12 GB DDR3 ) 1333 or higher

And Heatsink because I will be overclocking

I will SLI / crossfire later down the road, but for now any GPU that is single and plays games in today's generation at 35 fps +

Probably a 700 or 750 Watt PSU

and DVD/CD drive ( dont care about blu ray but you can sure )

Any case that is attractive, and sleek, clean, well cooled and is cheap. ( BRAND NAME PLEASE )


I will be overclocking ! @ the moment I do not need my keyboard / mouse / OS / Monitor but if you find windows 7 64 bit in a combo for really cheap that fits in the budget please add !


Anyways thank you !

Keep 850 in mind with the 1100 for later also on the mind