Priv captured EE ships???



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I just had a battle with one of my just captured Star destroyers using
a gunship, I lost..but the Destroyer had 100% shields and seem to dish
out good damage????
I thought captured EE ships were sort of useless??/

Have I been reading old info or r EE ships in non EE hands meant to
only get 25% shields and have weapon failures and suffer more from
weapon hits??..Not 2 mention it only having 201 of 450 crew.

A concerned Emperor Leeroy.


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Yes the captured ships during VCR combat I have seen this happen but
this combat that I had, the Shield after my ship was destroyed, I had
shot down to 88%...Is this meaning 88% of the 25% it is meant to have
in non EE hands or 88% of full shields.
I'll know more next time I engage it, but thinking of the last one I
had to take out after losing to Priv boarding, it had full shields next
time I met it as well??

Max hull shields is 900, Has a 3000 str shield gen in it.



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"LeeSMaz" <> schrieb
>I just had a battle with one of my just captured Star destroyers using
> a gunship, I lost..but the Destroyer had 100% shields and seem to dish
> out good damage????
> I thought captured EE ships were sort of useless??/
> Have I been reading old info or r EE ships in non EE hands meant to
> only get 25% shields and have weapon failures and suffer more from
> weapon hits??..Not 2 mention it only having 201 of 450 crew.
> A concerned Emperor Leeroy.

AFAIK, this is still correct.

VCR shows shields allways at full strength at the start of a battle, even on
ships with only 1 point of shields.
I think, at the start, VCR sees the shield strength of the ship and sets it
as 100 percent.
(look at ships captured in combat, they start with 100% shields in your
hand, but will loose all shields from a single hit)

EE ships in other races hands suffer from 30% of fighter fire passing
through shields and armor, Heavy Lasers pass right through shilds and 30%
pass through armor. Thats about it.

The rate of fire wouldn´t drop much with 200 crew. It´s only a little below
the needed 50% to man all weapons.

Ralph Hoenig, Germany


Archived from groups: (More info?)

"LeeSMaz" <> schrieb
> Yes the captured ships during VCR combat I have seen this happen but
> this combat that I had, the Shield after my ship was destroyed, I had
> shot down to 88%...Is this meaning 88% of the 25% it is meant to have
> in non EE hands or 88% of full shields.
> I'll know more next time I engage it, but thinking of the last one I
> had to take out after losing to Priv boarding, it had full shields next
> time I met it as well??
> Max hull shields is 900, Has a 3000 str shield gen in it.
> Cheers.

VCR never shows percentage of max shield (at least, I have never seen a
ship, capable of mounting, say 900 shields, but mounting only a 400 enter
battle with less than 100% in the display)

The rational I came up is:
The shield is charged to it´s maximum, so it is displayed at 100%. It
doesn´t matter that a bigger shield could fit on the ship. The one actually
there is fully charged.

I´m pretty sure, it´s 88% of 225 (25% of 900)
