2nd 6850 or sell Asus 6850 and get a GTX 580


Mar 1, 2010
So I have a $500 Budget. I currently am running 2 1680x1050 monitors. I'm planning on upgrading to a 1920x1080 soon also and I don't know if that's a factor. I would prefer not to wait as if I do I'm sure the value for selling my 6850 will go down fast. I can either choose to get another 6850 and a monitor now and be done

Or I can choose to get a GTX580. And sell my Asus 6850 soon as my GTX580 arrives and put that towards my monitor.

So any recommendations?


Based on TechReport's latest review, 6850s in XFire will slightly outperform the GTX 580 for less $$$, however the GTX 580's will be more consistent for games that don't scale well with multiple GPU and less prone to driver bugs for SLI/XFire.