Raid Shelter



Archived from groups: (More info?)

a federation / Rebel base building (probably other races too)

This building provide protection for up to 100 K population from attacks
from orbit.

#1 Does it protect Crew, Troop, High Guard ?
#2 Does it protect the 3 land unit type (mech) ?

#3 Does it work 100% (if you have more room in shelter, than what you need
to protect) ?
#4 If not working 100% I I have 2X or more the shelter needed, does it help
to protect the lucky ones that can make it to the shelter before being

From Tim site

Raid Shelter

Tech Level: 2

Cost: 10mc + 1 Supply Unit

Production: 0

Protects: 100000 Colonists

Maintenance: 0

Limit Per Planet: No Limit

Protects your colonists and troops from attacks from orbit.

Only offers a limited form of protection.

Better than nothing at all. Protects the population from attacks from orbit,
is only able to protect the lucky ones that can make it to the shelter
before being attacked.


Archived from groups: (More info?)

>This building provide protection for up to 100 K population from attacks
>from orbit.
>#1 Does it protect Crew, Troop, High Guard ?

Don't know. Probably.

>#2 Does it protect the 3 land unit type (mech) ?

No, but these are not AFAIK affected by orbital bombardment - though I
could be wrong.
>#3 Does it work 100% (if you have more room in shelter, than what you need
>to protect) ?

Raid shelters are well worth building. They don't keep 100% of your
population alive, but they increase the numbers who survive from, say,
10% to maybe 75% (in my experience). I think they're only 10mc,
definitely worth it.

They don't help against ground assaults.

I don't know if building extra ones helps protect more people.
Paul Honigmann