Memory slots are apparently damaged


Feb 3, 2012

I just bought a new system. I'm using a Biostar TZ68K+ motherboard, and also bought 4 memory sticks, Kingston, 4gb each, 1333 mhz. All of them the exact same model, bought the same day at the same time at the same shop.

When i put all of the modules, I dont even get a boot screen, just short continuos beeping from the PC Speaker.

I tried unplugging every single memory slot, and get the same result.

So, i started putting only 1 module at the time, and I found out that the computer will boot up normally when i put the sticks onto the 3rd and 4th slot. All the memory sticks work fine and the computer boots fine, as long as I am using only slots 3 and 4. If i try to put a stick on slots 1 and/or 2, i go back to the continuos beeping.

Memories obviously work fine, since as long as they are on slots 3 and 4, they will boot just fine. But i just bought the motherboard, and I have experience assembling computers, so I think it would be extremely unusual for either the motherboard having the first two memory slots faulty, or even me frying them in some way.

Any insights? If you need any more info, please ask. Thanks.


Unfortunately Biostar is not known for quality. I would say you just got a bad board, and take it back and exchange it. In general I only recommend ASUS or Gigabyte boards. Kingston is excellent ram though.
Do you have the voltage, timings and speed set correctly in the bios?

Your manual says this on page 9: Note: Memory module must be installed in DDR3-A2 or DDR3-B2 to boot the

Not sure why the others don't work. Are you trying all 4 or just can't get 2 to work in A1/B1?

I'd stay away from Biostar, you can get a better board with a lot more features for less money from Asrock.


Feb 3, 2012

The timings and voltage seem to be right, specially since the DDR-B1 and DDR3-B2 slots give me absolutely no problem whatsoever. The ones that don't work are DDR3_A1 and DDR3_A2. Whenever I insert a stick on those slots, i get the constant, unending beeping, and cant boot.

Regarding biostar quality, I live in Argentina, in a very rural area. We don't get a lot to choose from, I just went with what i could get.



I would just take it back and tell them the problem and let them replace it.


Feb 3, 2012

Yeah. Just to be sure, i tried every possible combination. I am typing this from the pc that has the problem. As you can see, as long as i dont insert anything in slots a1 or a2, it works okay.