
Feb 16, 2011
Let me start off by saying what games I am currently playing: WoW, LoL, SC2. These games are probably the only games I will be only be playing till D3 comes out

I was on, I have found a thread explaining how you can build a computer basically under $300-$400. The thread explains all the parts you need to play SC2 on max settings for under 350ish(around there). I know what your thinking SC2 max settings for under $350. I've wondered the same thing, but I was guessing that when the person said that he didn't meantion what resolution and what average fps, He probably meant $350 with good fps on high settings.

Anyways, In the thread it mentioned that.. I'll quote it"
"The good news is that building a budget PC will yield amazing results these days, being able to play Crysis 2 at max settings, and that spending three times as much won't even get you twice the performance boost. For this reason, we will not talk about Intel or what the best of the best is, as quite simply, it is stupid to buy an i7 today. The performance on them will not be used until 2 years from now, in which case you can buy an i7 for a quarter of the price, and newer CPU's will be out that are better, and cheaper. My advice - buy a $400 PC today, buy a $400 PC in 3 years, be able to play everything on max settings, and still spent less than an i7 $1500 system. Buying an i7 today is just as useful as buying an i7 10 years ago - there's just no point to it."

So I was wondering if the above quotation is true.
Should I buy cheap computer parts to play the games that are out today but will have to upgrade again within a year or so.
Just buy expensive(ish) stuff today but upgrade within a couple years

In the quotations it says "For this reason, we will not talk about Intel or what the best of the best is, as quite simply, it is stupid to buy an i7 today. The performance on them will not be used until 2 years from now, in which case you can buy an i7 for a quarter of the price, and newer CPU's will be out that are better, and cheaper. My advice - buy a $400 PC today, buy a $400 PC in 3 years, be able to play everything on max settings"
The computer parts I have saved on my computer round up to $800 including the monitor but not including taxes but probably $900 including taxes.

Here is the official post: