GTX 470 - Low Windows Experience Index Score


Feb 24, 2011
I'm know that WEI isn't the most accurate benchmark in the world and not anything to set standards by, but I'm getting a discrepency between this EVGA GTX 470 card I just installed on my desktop, and my old laptop's NVIDIA GT 230M.

The EVGA is getting a score of 6.0 in both graphics & gaming graphics, while the NVIDIA is getting a 6.4 in both.

How is it that the laptop's score is higher than the desktops? Aside from the fact that it's desktop graphics card, it's also a newer and better model.

This makes absolutely no sense to me. It makes me think maybe I haven't installed it properly or I'm missing something. Any ideas?


Feb 9, 2010

A single GTX 470 gave me a score of 7.4-7.6 if I remember correctly. When I went to SLI 470's it went up to the max 7.9. I remember having WEI issues occasionally though. Check your power settings and click on maximize performance. It may be that your cards don't recognize the WEI benchmark as a 3D application and so stay in a lower clock mode. Also, if you have Vantage or other benchmark software test it out and see if you get comparable scores to "averages" for your card. If you do, then your card is actually working just fine and the WEI is just being weird with your card. Like I said, sometimes the WEI gets funky and scores are off due to certain computer settings or drivers.


Jan 15, 2010
WEI is completely pointless, the only thing you should be concerned about is if you find benchmarks made with near-identical hardware and your numbers are drastically different.
3d mark, although not super accurate, will give you a good idea where your system is at. best to test a few things. many games have inbuilt benchmarks, let us know what games you have and you can compare that to other benchmarks. The best way to tell is the feel of the game. if its not smooth framerate, and you expect it should be, then look into the problem.

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