CCFL on fan controller


Jan 11, 2007
(been searching for hours now)
-I am putting 8 lights under my desk. (purple, not very bright)
-4 dual 12" kits, totaling 8 cold cathodes.
- each "dual kit" comes with its own inverter, so i'll have 4 inverters to worry about.

heres what I am trying to accomplish. 2 cathodes into each inverter, each inverter into the fan controller, meaning all 4 channels will be used on the fan controller.

is there a way to add a sound activated ccfl inverter in somewhere that it would control all 4 channels?

I would otherwise need to replace all 4 inverters with sound activated ones, and that's extra money I'd rather not spend.

I understand if no one has ever attempted this, but I thought I would ask.

thanks much :love:
You have posted this in the computer section for "CPU and Components."

Not only is this the wrong section, but quite frankly I don't understand what you are talking about.

Are these computer parts you are using?

Do you want these lights to flash based on music that you are playing?

Anyway, good luck but I'm not sure you're asking in the right forum.