Lowest RPM 80mm fan speed for good cooling


May 4, 2010
IMO I don't think you should go below 2000 RPM. I have never tested the different speeds of 80mm fans though. Would a 80mm fan running under 2000(1500) RPM make a big difference compared to one running at 2000, 2500 or 2700 RPM. You can get some pretty quiet fans running under 2000 RPM.
What kind of system are you planning on running?

Most manufacturers get away with a single 80mm case fan + the CPU HSF, but they are just workstations.

Are you planning on building a high end rig with dedicated (multiple?) GPU's, and other high end components? or just a basic everyday computer?
In that case I don't see any problem arising from using low RPM fans.

If you get to the point where you are overclocking or using heat heavy components (10k RPM HD's, big GPU's) then you will need to look at more cooling. But for now 2 or 3 low(er) RPM 80's will be enough.