Which GAMING PC Company should I choose?


Apr 8, 2007
As the subject says, I am going finally dive into the deep end and get the Mega-System so I may enjoy my only hobby to the fullest. I am going to spend a metric butt-load of money on a PC Gaming System.

I am considering Falcon Northwest, but I am interested in a company that can give me everything I need with good value.

So... I am seeking thought, opinions, and experiences. Which company should I give my hard earned cash to, so they may make my computer dreams come true?

Thank you for your help.

NOTE - I am in the United States, if that matters.


Hi there, welcome to the forums.

Looking for an awesome PC eh? Well I can tell you right now you will NEVER get a PC better than one you build yourself. Seriously if you plan on spending LOTS of money, you need to build yourself. Why? You can customize EVERYthing and ANYthing you want! You can make it 100% your own!

Falcon Northwest is for rich people who have way too much money. On their high end systems, they overcharge you obscene amounts, like $1000 too much.

I highly suggest you build yourself. If you are not comfortable with it (not sure why you would be. It's a very easy process) Cyberpower is the next bet.

But really, you need to build yourself.


Oct 9, 2006
I'll agree with striker410 build your own is the absolute best bet. FW builds an amazing PC but yea they overcharge like hell though they used to be different back when a P2 was the hot stuff. I'd say if you're going to have someone build it for you go to a local shop and give them a budget and they will build you a setup that will be far better than FW for the same money.


Apr 8, 2007
It's not that I am opposed to building it myself, I have done so on several of my previous computers. But things have gotten SO much more complicated. I go around and around about building my own, and at the end of the day? I like to play games way more than I like to build computers.

I guess I could price out the parts, but I would be willing the bet there's less than a $500 savings doing the job yourself (especially when you're talking the entusiasts market). So the question is really do I feel like Falcon's expertise, and their access to premium "golden sample" parts, and the time and grief I'd spend building my own box, is worth $500 bucks. The answer is yes.

Oh. Crap. It does sound like a lot of fun to roll my own. But again, I don't think I'd be saving much money, and I don't think the end product would be as good.



I just configured 2 systems. 1 on Falcon northwest, one on Newegg. here are the screenshots.


As you can see, they have identical specs. The price difference? The newegg system costs $2000 roughly. The falcon system? $3,450! That's nearly 1.5k more!!!
If that hasn't persuaded you, I don't think anything can. You could almost build 2 systems for the price!!

So, build yourself amirite?


Wait... You're spending $6,000 on a PC? >.> I sense either someone who has WAY to much money and doesn't even care, a rich kid, or a troll.

I may be rude, but even after I've proven it's a MUCH MUCH better route to build youself you shrug off $1.5k like it's nothing.......


Apr 8, 2007
Well, let's see...
I don't know if I need a $300 raid card. I slapped this together just to get some idea of what the rig would cost. So, no raid card. Thanks. I will eventually call and find out from Falcon what they recommend. When I bought my last one they saved me a lot of money.

I would also offer that after a lifetime of busting my ass I am confident in saying that the only people who think there is such a thing as "way too much money" are people who haven't earned enough yet. Suggesting that (especially on a web site where people routinely spend vast sums to get an extra 6 fps) any person willing to spend a large amount of money on a PC must have a character flaw, or be an over privileged child, or simply here to troll and get a reaction, is asinine.

The entire point of Tom's and any site like it is that there are people for whom owning a very nice computer is a joy, like people who spend more than they need to on a car. No one "needs" a Porche. My world will still spin if I don't have a nice PC. But because I've made the effort it doesn't have to - I can have what I want. That's why I work.

Rude? Yes. Probably. The fact that your budget restricts you to a $1500 computer doesn't really have anything to do with my post, and in fact more or less ignores the entire reason I started the thread. I am not a rich child, nor a troll, and I worked many many days so that I would one day be able to purchase the fastest computer I could afford. I did not "shrug off" your response. I merely pointed out that I've got more options and I can do much better than a $1500 computer is capable of.

You've sensed nothing, and you've proved nothing, and I really would like some useful feedback from some experienced people who understand what the thread is about, and might have spent more than they should have on something they loved. It would be appreciated.


Well excuse me then. I am sorry I offended you, not my intention. I simply was not sure what you were doing, as your intention was not clearly stated. Usually people are constricted by budgets. These are the people i'm used to working with. As you obviously have no ceiling, then things are different.

Might I ask, what are you using this PC for? If it's gaming, with that 6k build you are throwing money away. The setup you have included 2 GTX 590's in a quad SLI setup. Most often, the 3rd GPU can't be utilized, let alone the 4th. That's a waste of money in my opinion as you will NEVER be able to take advantage of it.

Same with 16GB of ram. You will NEVER make use of that in gaming unless doing something crazy. 4GB is a better amount. If you plan to go overkill, then 8GB

That's as much as I can offer at this point.

I do not like your attitude (maybe well intended towards my shrewd comments) so I intend to leave this thread. The fact that you dismiss all of my previous advice in the name of a single comment (maybe a bad move on my part- but this is a public forum, and I'm allowed to express my opinion) makes me doubt your character.
As you will see later, many members will agree. 6k is simply too much to spend for a gaming pc. You would do better to build a 3k rig and get a super nice 3 screen 3D setup. T

he fact that you do not wish to save money AT ALL disturbs me. No matter how rich you are or how much you want to pour into your hobby, there is NO sense in throwing it away, which is what you are doing. Falcon Northwest is an excellent company, but I see no reason to throw 2k of PURE PROFIT their way when you are 100% capable of doing it yourself. Hell, the local PC shop would build it for $100! I'm not going to say you have your priorities wrong, but it's worth thinking over.

I am sorry I could not provide the exact feedback you were looking for. Had you taken the time to clearly communicate your needs it might have been different.

Take care, hope you get help.

Hi there, I'm also initially inclined to also advise you that the U-build pc company is the best out there and having read the post, have to ask

What is the system intended for, gaming, photo/video work, pure bragging rights or other purpose?
I recently helped my brother in law with his overclockers.co.u.k build and he's a very interesting person to dissuade from shiny/useless things so I'm willing to try helping you out, we just need a little more info please, you could fill this in if you wished as it contains the most pertinent info points


i wouldn't see the point in burning extra $1500+ in cash thats what most of us here are not seeing the point of?!? building a PC yourself literally takes less than 25mins> (for me 8mins~, even though i haven't build that many) its not like you save time either, they will take 2 weeks to build it then another 3days~ to post, whereas newegg will post it out to you in about 1-5days~ and you build it in 25> mins or so.

here in the UK they have a site called aria.co.uk which lets you order components are they build it for you for about £30, and usually they have quite low prices anyway.

[EDIT]: I sure do hope this is a Troll post lol, if it is, then you got me good :p



Lol if it is, he got me the worst of all lol. He's not a bad one though....