Does Crossfire utilize memory from each GPU?


Feb 28, 2010
I've read no, and I've read yes. I have yet to receive confirmed info to back either case.
My situation is:
I'm a flight simmer into Rise of Flight. This is a very intensive GPU memory program. I have a single 1gb DDR5 5770 card. I'm looking to increase to 2gb GPU ram. Do I need to upgrade to a single 2gb card, or will an added 1gb 5770 in crossfire suffice?
Crossfire works by alternating frames between the first card and then the 2nd card. Both cards use their own memory to render their frame. As a result, you effectively have only the amount of video ram as each individual card has.

What resolution do you play that flight simulator at? I find it hard to believe 1GB isn't enough. Of course I don't play flight simulators (or at least I haven't in nearly 10 years), so I might be out of the loop here.