New Build: Is this feasible?


Jul 14, 2011
Hi guys! I'm making a new pc and here are the new parts I plan to use:

MSI 890GXM-G65
Phenom II X6 1055T
4x4GB DDR3 1333
1TB WD Caviar Blue SATA 3.0
Thermaltake Litepower 700W
Thermaltake V4 Black
64-bit Windows 7 Home Premium

Old parts that are still usable:
DVD Drive

My questiosn are:
1) Would the power supply be enough if I add a newer card? Lets say a GTX 550 Ti. Can I even go SLI?
2) As this would be used for gaming AND some 3D animation, would the set-up be reliable and fast enough?
3) Would I have any problem with Windows 7 compatibility with hardware/software/games?

(And sorry for the too many questions.)
the actual power output of the litepower is 600w continuous, 700w peak. Thermaltake has also been known for many of its psu's not able to produce their rated specs. It should run any single card fine, for SLI i would get a better PSU like antec, seasonic, xfx or corsair. Cheap psu's are usually cheap for a reason.

David 617

Apr 12, 2011
2) if u get the 550ti, u'll b set for gaming and 3d anim. even with a lower card u'd still b fine. ur setup is pretty solid.

3) win 7 is compatable with pretty much anything. your system is perfect.
1) I recommend getting a better brand PSU and possibly a better GPU than a 550Ti, if you into serous gaming a 6850 or a 460.
2) as Above for gaming a better GPU would improve things alot and I also suggest getting an AM3+ board for future upgrades and the fact you cannot SLi on 8xx series AMD boards only the 9XXX series. You could also look at Intel 1155 CPUs and board as they outperform AMD at the moment.
3) There is no problem with Windows 7

Also unless you know the 3D animation works very well with the 6 core AMD CPUs get a 955BE or intel 1155 chips as the AMD 6 core chips are rarely good value for most users.


Jul 14, 2011
Hi guys! After some more research, this is my final build:

MSI 880GMA-E45 AMD880G
Phenom II X6 1055T
1TB Western Digital Caviar Black
Cooler Master GX 750W
Cooler Master USP 100
64-bit Windows 7 Home Premium OEM

The only part missing is the RAM. I was thinking of Corsair, but the channels/speeds/timings just confuse me.
Looks OK except:
Coolmaster PSUs are not the best if you can get one at a similar price go for Antec or Corsair
The 6 Core AMD CPUs are no better than the 4 core ones for gaming I suggest a 955BE and overclock to 4.0GHz fairly easily as long as you get an OK cooler.
As for the RAM the timings and speed don't make that much difference to real performance, 1600MHz is the sweat spot for price/performance.


Jul 14, 2011
Corsair PSU's are quite expensive while Antec, I haven't found one locally available.

This system won't be used for gaming alone, I'll also use this for CAD and, eventually, 3D animation. And maybe some movie/audio editing too.

As for the RAM, is it OK to buy the cheapest 4GB DDR3 from Corsair? Is brand name just a name? And is it okay if I first drop one 4GB stick then add another 4GB stick in the future? I plan on maxing out the 16GB limit just for the fun of it.


Jul 14, 2011
as previously stated, i would also be using this system for CAD, 3D animation and some audio/video editing.

if i instead use a Phenom X4 965BE, would it not make much of a difference when rendering videos? gaming would be better but I am concerned as to rendering time/performance of an X4.

AM3+ boards are still unavailable locally, but I'll look for them.