QPI to FSB conversion for relative CPU power


Dec 6, 2011
Greetings all:
I used to use the following formula to get a quick / dirty relative CPU processing power to do comparisons between servers.

clock speed * # of cores * FSB = relative CPU power.

All new intel processors are publishing QPI # and I haven't found a good way to tweak the formula so it's still relavant.

I understand this ignores how much L2 / L3 cache and ect, but the main point is to have something quick and easy to do a comparison with.

Any suggestions are welcome.
How is that even a valid equation? FSB is already semi-factored into the clock speed since on Core 2 based CPUs the FSB was quad pumped and the clock speed is simply the base FSB clock times the multiplier so you have everything scaled up by another factor of the FSB base clock. You also ignore the advantage of architecture improvements over the years. There is no quick and dirty formula to give you relative CPU power, its just quick and dirty with muddy results.

Just look at good comparative benchmarks which are actually real comparisons of CPU processing power.