
Im trying to play a game called death rally and i try to start it in MS- dos 6.22 and it stops when it tries to load up:
USE "w" parameter in windows 95 shell...

Loading music and sound effects....

it stops there then i hit cntrl alt del then it goes back to dos prompt and says CANNOT FREE HEAP MEMORY BLOCK, please consult drhelp on how to free this problem.
i have a cyrix pr333
64 mb pc100 pny ram (sd 10 nano secs)
8.4 maxtor hd
windows 98
I tried to look at the DRhelp file, but it wasnt there for some reason. SO do any of you guys know how to free the heap memory block? and what is this Heap memory block anyway?

THanks Mech warrior mw4 rules!!


Dec 31, 2007
that's an awesome game (once you get it working:))

Does the system have Win9x/ME loaded on it?
If you're loading from straight DOS, you'll probably have to play with Autoexec.bat and Config.sys to get it working. Take out all the things you don't need etc. I'll try to find my versions when I get home, see if they can help you.
Also, silly to ask, but how long do you wait before you give up? On my machine for some reason the initial screen does take quite a while...
I'll also see if I can find the help file somewhere -- it should be on the game CD anyhoo, try searching for it...


Yes i have win 98 on it. I wait for about 45 secs to a minute then ill quit. I tried loading it from windows, but it did the same thing as in DOS. I did have the CD back about 2 or 3 years ago, lost it and then i found it as an abandon ware game at some site ( its only the demo i think).
I'll look into mess with the autoexec bat and config. And i have another question, what programs would i have to use to make a game like this, I have lots of new ideas for it. :)

Thanks Mech warrior