Radiation Toxicity Antidotes

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For all of you living on the western side of North America, (and eventually anywhere in the world) learn how to stay alive by clicking

The situation in Japan is no doubt far worse than is being told. The above link becomes more sobering after you read THIS.



Former Staff

LOL, the idiot is telling us to add more seaweed to our diet because it contains iodine...whilst the reactors are dumping thousands of gallons of highly-contaminated water into the sea.

The "idiot" didn't say to get the seaweed from Japan.



Former Staff
I thought most of our kelp came from the Pacific ocean?

Sorry, I just automatically apply the "crackpot" label as soon as I see anything about processed sugar that's not directly correlated such as obesity and tooth decay. And I'll continue getting my nutrients from spinach, with hopes that our soil is less contaminated than the Pacific

It's found along the shore of the ocean just about anywhere except maybe the Artic/Antarctica.
We have in here in Venezuela, and I'm pretty sure it's found on the shores of the UK.. anybody from there that can confirm?

Meanwhile, the U.S. Government will keep it's citizens safe, or at least feeling safe, but there is a catch, they'll just raise the limit on what they deem is safe. See their plans for you

Ahh... the government will say "It's below the limit... no worries"



Gods no - not Chris Busby again. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christopher_Busby). This guy has no credibility whatsoever, though he does appear to be already wearing his armadillo helmet...
The guy is just trying to self promote and get hits on his website and more business as a consequence.

Both articles look like total rubbish to me.

I already closed another thread which was posting sensationalist stuff.

There is no need to frighten people.

crash ... what do you think?

Wow, both of those articles are quite idiotic.


"frighten people?" Not the intention at all.

OK, I could have left out Chris Busby, but his point of the experts saying all is fine, go ahead and eat it is what we're seeing right now.

I can't find links to (free) published full articles by Otto G. Raabe except small abstracts like
this one. He would be the one to have true information on the real dangers from nuclear exposures... oh well, I'll keep looking.

The health article is quite valid, even the part of not eating refined sugar because of the way refined sugar depresses the immune system so badly, even if only temporarily.

Some people have a more immediate need for that information than others. To the one's that don't need to know, it must be nice to look out the windows and see the rest of the world burning.


Do what you want. It's like any other information, you can take it or leave it.

Just always remember, back in the days of the Americans vs the Russians cold war, the Americans were told that in the event of a nuclear attack, fallout would be falling from the sky. They were told to pick out the larger chunks in their food, but little pieces were alright. They were told to go to "Fallout shelters" to be safe. These were large buildings such as banks and multi-level buildings with basements. Only problem was, what to do after huddling together in a room with no services to support life more than a day? At least it would make body collection a lot easier down the road for whoever was going to clean up the mess.

The government wanted everyone to think a nuclear war was quite survivable if they would just "duck and cover." Fortunately for the U.S. Government, a lot of victims of Hiroshima and Nagasaki aren't here today to say those things just won't work. The analogy of radiation exposure that you can warm yourself by a fire or eat a hot burning piece of coal and receive the same amount of energy exposure is a good one, but it may be helpful to learn what to do for third degree burns if you eat the flaming coal or ingest/absorb actual ionizing particles.



Former Staff
I'm treating this as the "leisure" side of this forum. I think most of us are smart enough to discriminate between information, misinformation and FUD from both sides.

He does have a point that industry shills are trying to downplay the incident, and there's even some reasonable dietary advice in one of his links. But then again, the chicken littles out there are trying to boost their personal status based on the same circumstances.

Time to go, Glenn Beck's show starts soon...
Funny how arrogant humans are. In a few million years, regardless of how (or how soon) we rendered this planet unsafe for human life, there will likely be no trace we were ever here; yet Earth will be teeming with life, contentedly going on about the business of living...


Former Staff
wait, you mean after the sun goes Red Giant and kills all the humans, other creatures will survive?


Former Staff
I understand that the more complex an organism, the more fragile, but I think humans are also best able to deal with calamities of their own making. Mass die-offs happen so often that they're likely to happen repeatedly to us, but the chances of killing of 100% of breeding stock are far smaller.
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