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Dec 5, 2011
hey guys, so for some dumb reason, i was screwing a screw in on the motherboard while the computer was on, and all of a sudden, it was like a bolt of lightning shot out of my motherboard (not really, just a spark, and smoke). so i quickly unplugged, and when i pressed the power button again, everything seemed to be alright and ran properly. i later realized, when i opened up after realizing my computer was slooooow while gaming that the fan for my cpu cooler was not my cpu was burning up. i took the motherboard out and inspected it for any burns...absolutely none (at least that are visible to the naked eye). if i plug a case fan into the cpu fan slot, the computer cant even turn on, less than one second loops of power. anyway, if someone could figure out what the problem is it would be great but what i really want to know is (i know i can plug the cpu fan into a 3 pin slot, and it will work) is what the 4th pin on the cpu fan does? since i can only plug it into a 3 pic now, im missing the 4th pin! is it a speed controller for the temp? thanks!


Aug 10, 2011

Are you sure? I allways belive it to be feedback from the fan, containing the current speed. or that might be the 3rd. dunno :p

Edit: You are right, 4th for speed control, sorry :)
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