Necessary To Reformat After Crossfiring?


Aug 20, 2011
Hi Guys,

I just built my new rig about 3 weeks ago, and after lots of thinking and reading, I have decided to Crossfire my GPU's now. I don't want to wait and struggle to find this card a year or two down the road.

I am running one HIS Radeon HD 6950 Iceqx Turbo 2gig and am going to put a 2nd one in this weekend. I am also changing my PSU from the current 650W to 1000W.

This is my first time xfiring. Do you need to reformat your computer before you crossfire, even though I just built this about 3 weeks ago? I finally got all the programs and games installed that I wanted and this would be a big pain in the a** if not necessary.

Thanks for your advice.
