Antenna into a router system


Mar 4, 2011
Hey there everyone. Well heres an issue im sorta having. I have a wireless access point not to far from my home that i access with an Alfa 1000mw adapter with a decent but slow speed. What I had read in other posting is to connect a wireless signal through an antenna and and into a computer/server and use that to share the internet and throw that into a wireless router.

What I am askign is there anyway that you are able to do this:

Parabolic Antenna>>>>directly into router to transmit wireless signal>>>and control that routers wireless access without being hardwired through ethernet to any computer???

Plz commnent

That's exactly what I suggested:

<-- wireless -->[pc/laptop (ics enabled)]<-- wire -->[wap/wireless-router]<-- wireless -->

I'm not 100% sure, but I think I understand the question.

If you're simply asking how to share that remote wireless signal w/ the rest of your network, then you just need to share it using rather common solutions.

Since you're using the Alfa, you're connected to a PC/laptop, so you could convert that PC/laptop into the functional equivalent of a router using ICS. It would require a second network adapter. If you use Windows 7, you could make it a wireless adapter and configure it as an access point using Connectify.

<-- wireless -->[pc/laptop (ics enabled, w/ connectify)]<-- wireless -->

Or if you prefer, use a wired network adapter and run it to a WAP (wireless access point). That WAP could be a standalone device, or perhaps a wireless router.

<-- wireless -->[pc/laptop (isc enabled)]<-- wire -->[wap/wireless-router]


Mar 4, 2011
What im really looking forward to do is to somehow not be wired in with either pc or laptop. I had an idea to just directly plug it into my pc and do the internet sharing option to connect that into a wireless router. Would that work?

antenna>afla 1000>pc>internet sharing>router

That's exactly what I suggested:

<-- wireless -->[pc/laptop (ics enabled)]<-- wire -->[wap/wireless-router]<-- wireless -->


You normally could avoid the use of the PC. You just need a repeater.

((( remote wifi )))<-- wireless -->[repeater]<-- wireless -->[router]<-- wireless -->[pc/laptop]

You can even use a dd-wrt compatible router and combine the repeater and router in the one device.

((( remote wifi )))<-- wireless -->[dd-wrt router ("repeater" mode)]<-- wireless -->[pc/laptop]

But there's a catch in your case; you require the use of that high-powered Alfa antenna, and there's no way to use that USB antenna w/ your wireless router! It can only be attached to your PC, so the PC has to play the role of repeater.

If you want to eliminate the PC, you either have to find a high-powered antenna for your wireless router/repeater, or replace it entirely w/ a high-powered wireless AP (you’d probably mount it outside and run ethernet back to the router). Perhaps something from the likes of Ubiquity.


Mar 4, 2011

What if i bought this grid antenna form wifi link

and instead of connecting it to a laptop i connect it directly into a pc.then fromthe pc run it into a wifi router?would that work?

im sorry im making this difficult .im fairly a not to experienced . i am just looking for the best and easiest method ofsetting this connection.