Should I overclock my GPU & how?



read online guides preferable for the exact model of the card, or similar model.

be careful with voltages and temperatures, it may permanently damage (read kill) your card. MSI afterburner won't let you change voltages past recommended settings, but your system may crash.


Aug 27, 2011
I'VE OVERCLOCKED IT ABIT and abit of the fan speed by 5 - 6% more

(I increased it to Max which was dumb, but my system rebooted and safely started "few")

this is what it is right now...:

Core Clock (MHz): 770

Shader Clock (MHz): 1850

Memory Clock (MHz): 1100

Fan Speed (%): 37 [Auto]

Any Ideas on what I should Increase more?


Don't oc your memory clock, it will make little to no difference. Ocing your core and shader will help the most. You need to enable the user defined fan control and change your fan arc in the settings menu under "fan". Your spike should typically be 1% fan for every 1degree celcius up to around 70c or higher if you can stand the noise. Fan profiles are key to keeping your gpu cool and ocing will run you a little hotter.
the OC you currently have is pretty nice for that card, you might be able to squeeze 800/1900 out of it; If you start getting random crashes with loss of signal while gaming it is most likely your voltage, which you can also adjust in afterburner; just dont go too high you might fry your card. 10mv bumps until its stable is the usual rule of thumb. if you start getting artifacts, it is more than likely your shader is too high, and back it off a bit. always double check on what other people are running their clocks and voltages at so you can compare and not over volt and fry your card, or clock too high and start throwing artifacts.

+1, I failed to mention this before, and yes, you should be able to find guidelines from the 9800gt as well.


Aug 27, 2011
Here's what it is now after A bit of OC'ing:

Core Clock (MHz): 791

Shader Clock (MHz): 1900

Memory Clock (MHz): 1100

Fan Speed (%): 52 [Auto]

is this OK?


Aug 27, 2011

i'm a bit puzzled on how enable fan control and so on....

Go to settings. Go to the tab that says fan. Set your arc like I said earlier; 1% for every 1 degree celcius. When you get back to the main page, there is a little cog icon next to the fan control. When you click it you will enable the fan control you specified in the settings.

That's a nice step up from where you were at stock, and the fan profile should keep your temps cooler than before. Have you tried it out in gaming to see if you get any improvements?


Aug 27, 2011

not yet...gonna play some BFBC2 and Crysis 2 to see any improvement :)