Galaxy GTX 460 vs HD 6850

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Sep 24, 2011
Hello, I've been looking for a new graphics card to put in my Dell Studio tower, which has an embarrassing HD 5450 in it.

I've been looking at the HD 6850, 6870, and I found the GTX 460.

The prices are:
HD 6850 = $120
HD 6870 = $160
GTX 460 = $80

I looked at a few posts, and it said that the 460 is a little worse than the 6850 in comparison, but basically par. The 460 looks like a heck of a price for me, any inputs or suggestions?

PS, the GTX460 is 768MB.
Pfffffffffff, why do those Yanks :kaola: have the better deals ? It's just not fair !!! Prices in Holland are also way higher than over there.
Mmmm, tough one. 50 bucks is a lot, on the other hand ; you will be using this device for a period of at least two years i think. So 50 dollar devided (?) by 24 months is, euh, well, as good as nothing !!! :lol: The 6870 will give more satisfaction and you will allways be wondering now if you buy the 6850 if the 6870 would not have been just that something like 2 dollars a month extra worth . . . :sol:


Sep 24, 2011

I will be a gamer, and I want to run BF3 at high settings, but is the 6870 worth $40 extra?


Sep 24, 2011

Haha, I'm a Canadian. It's $5 extra here, plus $12 for shipping. Now, if I add taxes to that, that's almost a $50 difference with the 6850. The Windforce 6850 is lightly used, at $120, no extra. What do you think?
Pfffffffffff, why do those Yanks :kaola: have the better deals ? It's just not fair !!! Prices in Holland are also way higher than over there.
Mmmm, tough one. 50 bucks is a lot, on the other hand ; you will be using this device for a period of at least two years i think. So 50 dollar devided (?) by 24 months is, euh, well, as good as nothing !!! :lol: The 6870 will give more satisfaction and you will allways be wondering now if you buy the 6850 if the 6870 would not have been just that something like 2 dollars a month extra worth . . . :sol:
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