When are the 6xx and 7xxx Series cards coming out?


Dec 12, 2010
HD7k decmeber, GT600 Quarter 1 next year
Ok thank you. Do you know which one will be better and how much better they will be than this generation? Or has that info not been realeased yet? I have a gtx 570 right now. Will it be worth the upgrade?

If anyone does, I'd like to ask them what stocks will be up by that time next year, who will win the world Series, Superbowl and the winning horses in the 9 races at the track next weekend.
I believe it is the mid-range cards in the AMD lineup that should be out before Christmas and I doubt any of them will be a worthwhile upgrade for someone who already has a GTX 570.

An HD7950 should easily beat a GTX 570. If the leaked specs are true a GTX 570 should probably fall somewhere between the HD7850 and HD7870 in performance.
Yep, its pretty much crystal ball time. Past naming trends can go out of the window 2000 series and 3000 series were the same then the 4000 series changed it about a bit, the 5 series seemed to settle things down a bit then it all went out of the window again with the 6 series.
Personally I wont be taking anything for granted or assuming too much until i see the silicone tested this time around.
I wouldn't hold out too much hope of a new launch in numbers before next year from either side. AMD will probably all but paper launch hew cards with a few scattered about to select vendors. Nvidia pretty much cant get anything out until next year if reports about where they are in the process are true.
So its possible you could get a new AMD card but which variant, High mid low even Mobile. Your guess is as good as any ones.

Mactronix :)