PCIe Cards Current Draw


Several years ago (2009), Tom's Hardware had an article entitled "How Much Power Does Your Graphics Card Need? ". Is there by any chance an updated article similar to that one? My searching hasn't turned up anything past that. I would like to know the minimum PSU wattage and PSU wire size required for the different systems I build. Thanks...
This will do all ya need, bit more accurate than most of the retail sites. Note if ya go to many PSU sites, they use a version of this.,.....you can tell when ya see outervision in the link


NOTE: There is a bugaboo in that to do what ya want, ya just can't select the card and hit calculate. Starting with a bare page and nothing entered, hit the calculate button. You will seee that the wattage jumps from 34 to 88 watts.

Now select ya GFX card(s) and hit calculate again, subtract 88 and ya have ya card wattage.


Thanks folks. But I'm already aware of the PSU calcs. They are fine for picking a PSU size, but what I'm really looking for is something that tells me the max current draw of different graphic cards. Something similar to the chart here: http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/geforce-radeon-power,2122-6.html but updated for later cards.
For example; Some PSUs have the ratings necessary for the requirement, but they might have too small wire for the current draw required. I just ran into that situation.