Upgrading for p7-1003w


Mar 1, 2012
Hello and thank you for reading and sorry if this is in the wrong section, I'm looking to upgrade my hp pavilion p7-1003w with a dedicated graphics card with gaming in mind. I have done research about my pc and the products I can/can not use with it but I would like a little more clarification and help in deciding what would be the best and efficient components for my specific wants/needs. Now to the more specifics

System Specifications : http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/document?docname=c02871948&tmp_task=prodinfoCategory&cc=us&dlc=en&lang=en&lc=en&product=5098942
OS : Windows 7 64bit
Budget : $150 range for gpu, $50-100 range for psu (prices varying this way because of the daily/weekly sales newegg,etc. has nothing to do with wanting to skip out on quality)

I know I need a newer/higher wattage psu aswell as a dedicated graphics cards and from my research which is mostly comparison builds off the same MOBO a 500w psu matched with a radeon 6850 would be my best choices with probably a slight bottleneck from my cpu but that would be alright, I'm not looking to overclock the system at all and am not really interested in upgrading any of the other components in the pc with the thoughts in mind for this machine to be a htpc down the road while the gpu is moved into a crossfire configuration in a more dedicated gaming machine. Also I'm a user who typically likes to leave my pc on, idle but on so is there a specific type of psu I should be looking for that's more reliable for long power on states or am I just over thinking in my planning ? Also I did say I have this upgrade in mind for gaming. Now I do enjoy playing things that look nice and puuurty however I am not opposed to turning down the settings to at least a moderate setting, I just would no longer have to run games on completely minimal settings and having majority of the gameplay deminished to actually play it at a stable framerate so for a better example....skyrim or crysis 2 or any game that comes out persay this year, I would be more then happy playing it on medium graphics settings at 1280 x 720 with no aa and all that now with that in mind, would the 6850 be too much for this case ? performance/size/etc. or would it only put this machine at it's maximum capabilities allowing for no further upgrades unless I dove into other components ? Also which variation of card should I get ? msi/xfx/etc. which would have enough cooling on it's on so there wont be a need for an aftermarket cooler(not over clocking so dont want to go there) while fitting this case and not sounding like a frieght train is running through my room. I'm sorry for the long drawn out writing, was never my specialty in school and once again I thank all of you who actually read what I'm looking for and can help supply me with quality answers. If there's any further information I need to supply, I can gladly post it at any time.



Mar 1, 2012
No one out there can help me ? or did I ask in the wrong section ? my family is wanting to order these 2 components for me this week so that I can have them before sunday(my birthday) If any additional information is needing I can easily provide you with such