650W enough to power future system?


Apr 18, 2012
Hello all, I've seen plenty of threads asking about the 650W Corsair TX650 V2 with i5 2500k

I wanted to know if the psu can handle SLI 2 x MSI 560 Ti's also be able to handle the i5 3570K. I plan to OC the i5 a bit nothing too extreme using a Hyper 212+ so figure float around the 4.0-4.5Ghz level. Is this okay for it? I know not to skimp on the psu but figure since the Ivy Bridge is supposed to be lower wattage don't know if it will be much of a game changer for the PSU. 77W versus 95W less stress on the system figure with mild OC it would bring it up to 95-105W if using the Ivy bridge. Anyways thanks for the future input much appreciation for anyone's opinion!

http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817139020 - PSU

http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814127565 - Video Cards
The problem with the Corsair TX650 V2 is that it doesn't have enough connectors for two GTX 560 Tis. You need four, the Corsair only comes with two, so you would have to use molex to PCIe adapters.

However for slightly cheaper you can get this:
XFX Pro 650W Core Edition 80Plus Bronze $80 ($15 rebate)
Which uses the same internals as the Corsair, but comes with four PCIe connectors.