How bad will bulldozer effect programs?


Dec 14, 2011
Ive been messing around in XNA Game Studio 4.0 And C++ but mainly i was wondering if i made something from a internet browser to just some video game i made up do you think bulldozer will hurt the performace. Im not sure XNA is multi-threaded and if i use C++ im worried the task will be assinged to the same module. Do you think i should not use any floation points for most thing or what should i use to keep everything running smooth. Just so you know it takes about 3 seconds to count from 0 to 5000 using a int.
3 seconds to do 5000 increment instructions? Holy...thats horrendous. I really hope the program is doing something else while that is going on, because thats terrible by any measure.

In any case, I doubt any game that came out of an engine by XNA studio would really stress the system either way, so I really don't think it matters.