Direct Canada: Stuck at Product Availability


Feb 6, 2012
Sorry, I have no clue what section of the forums this falls into, but it has to do with my new build.


I am building my first build and ordered a few parts off of Direct Canada. I ordered yesterday (total $466.88) and it was good until I realized it had stayed at ``Product Availability``. I was just wondering if anyone else has experienced this through Direct Canada and can shed some light on whether or not this is normal. I payed via MasterCard by the way. I was also thinking it may have to do with the fact that I ordered on a Saturday.

Thanks a lot,


EDIT: Also, all of the items are in stock that I want to buy... confusing.


Feb 13, 2012
Yeah my experience with DC has been good. They deliver just as fast as Newegg (within 2 business days of me ordering) and their prices are cheaper. However they dont have as many products due to the way that they work and they sorta leave you in the dark in terms of your order. When I used a Credit Card they called me (DC did) to confirm the purchase. I confirmed but then had to call the credit card company to activate its online purchasing ability. Oh and they send an email usually that you have to click a link in to confirm. Im only saying this because I forgot to click the link the first time. (Im not the smartest)