How about a FB Forum?


Dec 7, 2005
or is that too specific to their website? I HATE the bugs or lack of functionality, or poor Help features on FB. I tried using their Help Forum but wasn't that impressed. Any chance of adding a Facebook forum?


It isn't a bad idea to have such a sub-section added. I think a "Social-Media" section could be added to cover Facebook, MySpace, Tweeter... etc. I'll send Joe a message for his thoughts :)


Overlord Emeritus
It's tempting. Definitely a how-to sticky for some of the most annoying aspects or a guide to some of the counter-intuitive features of Facebook.

I have a feeling though that it would likely become a dumping ground for anti-Facebook sentiment, and a huge collection of bugs and issues. Do you think it would be a valuable resource that people would come to our forums to participate in, or more a collection of grievances?


I don't doubt that we'll get the odd "stick it to the [strike]man[/strike] Zuckerburg" thread, and probably simple whinging about Facebook and how it doesn't belong on a tech site. Whether there would be (or even could be) meaningful discussion is hard to know.
Why not just suck it and see ? If you don't try it you wont ever know and you can just pull it again if your fears are realized at the end of the day.
Seems like Joe is in "What if" mode. Kinda like shall i upgrade or wait. We all know how that train of thought pans out.
You could always get one of the guy to do an article about it and see how the feed back goes
Or maybe you should take a leaf out of some other forums books and actually add a forum specifically for rants and whinges ?
Just a thought.

Mactronix :)