
Jun 14, 2012
Hi everyone,

So I've had my laptop for a couple years now, had a few problems with it but overall pretty happy with it. Only problem is, since I've had it, whenever the sound stops suddenly I get a horrible whining noise sent through my headphones. A while back I got some X11's (which have a constant white noise in the background due to the amplifier) and thought the problem was just with my old headphones. Well, they broke a few days ago, and it turns out the white noise was simply covering up the problem, not fix it.

My laptop is an Asus Bamboo U43JC-X1. Don't actually know what the specific sound card is...that isn't specified anywhere I can find.

Thanks in advance.
Not much you can do to lappy sound systems as they are integrated into the mobo. Look in Device manager under 'Sound, Video & Game Controllers' and your Sound system should appear there. Mght help to install updated driver if there is one, or even just to re-install it. Double click on it and on the Driver tab select 'Update Driver'. If there is no update Uninstall and reboot will install it again. Can but try!


Jun 14, 2012
Yeah, figured as much. Already updated, reinstalled etc. I didn't know if this was a known problem with certain cards and if a certain driver or something fixed it...thanks anyway. At least I know now lol.