
Jul 14, 2012
hi. what's a good graphics card for a pentium g620? i am using radeon 5570 right now with it right now. i use this
desktop mainly for gaming, and i play mostly single player rpg's. while this can play most rpg's, it struggles with
skyrim and the witcher 2. i play both of these on low settings, and even then i had to lower the resolution to 1280x720
just to get past the kayran in the witcher 2, as i experienced massive lags in there which led to many deaths. at the least, i want to be able to play these games and other upcoming rpg's on medium settings at least, and decent FPS. (though i must admit, the witcher looks gorgeous even on low settings)

i am looking at a budget of $100-150, which means that it's an either-or situation for me: either i replace the cpu or the video card. or should i replace both?