Anti-Static Question


May 19, 2012
Ok quick question regarding the title,

is it safe to put components on my Bed(sheet)? i know carpets are a No no but what about bed sheets?



May 19, 2012
you know i can't help but think that the fear of static damage to components is overly exaggerated or not i mean it also got me to think twice even though i used to care less before and nothing happened but then again we can never be too careful.

So i'l take your advice and from now on only put my components on a wooden table or the tile floor ^_^

Its unlikely simply because to cause damage you almost have to make direct content with an IC pin. And they are usually covered and a very small part of the surface area, you're almost always touching the non-conductive PCB, and you're constantly touching big chunks of metal to discharge it while building and really shouldn't be moving much.

Its also not really what you lay it on, YOU have to build up a charge. I've built a dozen on carpet floors, although I almost always lay the parts on their boxes or bags if I set them down. if you have a wrist strap, or ground yourself you're fine. And I completely agree with bigcyco. For 5 bucks why risk it. It CAN happen. The probability is just really low for building a PC. Handling ICs is a whole different story
dont do it on a bed..cotton in the cloth will make the op ever take clothing out of a dryer and see all your cotton socks stock to the cotton sheets. ask if mom or dad have a fold up table they use for cooking or the beach..your better off with a fold up table and put it out in the garage and do the build there. trick is even on carpet floors not to move a lot..if you can have the whole build on a table it be easy and quick for you.