Full Size GPU in slim case with watercooling


Apr 8, 2012
So, I'm thinking about building a small form factor pc, probably to use as a HTPC.
Space is an issue, but I would also like to be able to use it to game on.
So a high end GPU is a must

This isn't asked about hardware specifics but more about using 90 degree PCIx16 risers/flex cables coupled with water cooling to fit it into a smaller case.
I know that fitting the radiator into the case might be an issu
Are their other issues that have to be dealt with, and how would you tackle them?

for the sake of it, let's assume unlimited budget.
The most obvious question is: Why NOT use a bigger case? I mean, you can try to force your way through problems like this, but it's much easier if you just use the right parts for the job.