Suggestion for new forum sections


Jul 5, 2011
hi, i was thinking it would be helpful if there were a couple new forum sections, heres my thoughts:

1. LCD/monitor subsection in the graphics and displays section, there is none, and the only similar section i see if home theater which is way at the bottom of the forum, where most people do not go and wouldnt even see it, probably partially why it has so few posts compared to other section in the upper areas

2. section for small computer business owners/ soon to be small computer busness owners- a place where people that own things like computer shops etc could give tips etc to people who want to open a shop or something in their area, info on that kind of stuff isnt very common on the internet as one would expect. not liginimate stuff anyway..

3. help and purchase opinions page?- somewhere for all products that people that are hesitant to buy a new computer or prehiperal or something could ask for opinions on the specific purchase, so you dont have to go find the right (or closest to it) section and post there, where you ar eless likely to get the type of answer you want.

these are just some suggestions, just little ideas i thought might be helpful to some people. i just figured, why not see if anyone thinks they are good ideas.


Jul 5, 2011
yea, found that outafter one of my posts got moved to the forum yesterday lol.
but i still think an area for small computer business owners and such (kind of like the IT Pro section) would be a nice addition to teh forums.

I have been known to bore the Forum in the past with the perils and occasional delights of being in such a business and would do so again if someone posted their intention to open one up. The question usually comes up in this sub-Forum or in the UK page but if a specific place was to be made, I fear it would lead to overt advertising.


We can't or don't already although we are allowed to put our website information in our Profile. I operate within a twenty mile circle in the middle of England and don't pose much of a threat to the rest of he world. In fact the chances of a Tom's poster living on my patch is pretty remote by any statistical reckoning but I was referring to bigger fish than myself. :D