Custom Gaming Pc for under $600


May 17, 2012

I have never built a custom pc before, so I would really appreciate all the advice you can give me. I would also really appreciate some good tutorials (video) on how to put together the pieces that I need. I have already found a great monitor (below) and i have a keyboard, mouse, and speakers, other than that I have absolutely nothing. that includes cables to connect everything together.

Approximate Purchase Date: mid summer (2012)

Budget Range: $600

System Usage from Most to Least Important: Gaming, graphic design (3ds max), video editing.

Parts Not Required: monitor, mouse, keyboard, speakers.

Preferred Website(s) for Parts: none

Country: USA!

Parts Preferences: none

Overclocking: probably not, I want the system to last as long as possible

SLI or Crossfire: maybe in the future, but for my budget its probably not an option.

Monitor Resolution: 900x1600

Additional Comments: I'd like to be able to get the best possible gaming experience for the money, I'd like to play: crysis 2, bfbc2, mw3, and bf3.

Thank you very much for any help that you can give me, I really appreciate it.