GPU for new build $350 max


Jul 5, 2010
APPROXIMATE PURCHASE DATE: this weekend if I can get everything figured out

USAGE FROM MOST TO LEAST IMPORTANT: Gaming (I'm playing skyrim at the moment but I want this thing to last 3-4 years of new games on Med graphics)

CURRENT GPU AND POWER SUPPLY: 750W PSU. No current gpu, I'm making a new build from nothing.

OTHER RELEVANT SYSTEM SPECS: CPU: Intel 2500k, 8 GB ram @1600,

PREFERRED WEBSITE(S) FOR PARTS: been working with newegg mostly. I'm from the US.

PARTS PREFERENCES:I want something I'm not going to have to replace for at least 3-4 years. It's time to replace when I get less then 30-40 fps on a game running at med texture, res, no AA.

OVERCLOCKING: Maybe, if the stock temps are low enough, otherwise no
SLI OR CROSSFIRE: Maybe in the future, can't afford two cards at the moment.


ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: I've seen the new ATI 7950's, as well as the 680's. They look awesome, but are way out of my price range. I've can't seem to decide what to get below them, because everything in my range either seems like a minor upgrade to my current system (9600GT), or it's $380, which seems high versus the new stuff. Am I just trying to spend too little on the card? I'm making a $1500 rig, but I'm up to $1200 with everything else.