Hi guys,

So after building my own PC in June (very happy with it) my trusty 6 year old Logitech gaming mouse is on its way out. Its not charging properly and I think the general sensitivity/accuracy is going as well.

So im just wondering what I should be looking at in terms of a new mouse? I spent 60£ or so on this 6 years back and its lasted me well (its an MX) so Im not sure if I need to spend that kind of money this time round..

I use my computer for 70% work and 30% gaming/music/internet etc. I play BF3, Cryris 2; any FPS basically.

I notice that many of the gaming mice are wired rather than wireless, however I quite like wireless so would rather this route. As most of the usage is not gaming, I would like something that is comfortable to use with a good weight and it doesnt have to be gaming-oriented.

Thanks guys!