
Jun 9, 2001
Has anyone tested the difference in Photoshop for CL2 vs CL3? I bought the "premium" memory at Frys, and found that it was CL3. I have a week to exchange it. Crucial downplays the difference:

"CL2 parts process data a little quicker than CL3 parts in that you have to wait one less clock cycle for the initial data. However, after the first piece of data is processed, the rest of the data is processed at equal speeds. Latency only affects the initial burst of data. Once data starts flowing, there is no effect. Bear in mind, a clock cycle for a PC100 module is 10 nanoseconds so you probably won't notice a significant performance difference. Most systems will accept either latency part. However, there are some systems that require either CL2 or CL3 parts. These requirements are built into our Memory Selector™."

T-Bird 1200; 200 FSB
MSA K7T Turbo-R
256 MB P133 CL3


Someone hurry up and answer this :)
I want to know the real difference between the two, Photoshop and otherwise.

Apple? Macintosh? What are these strange words you speak?


Former Staff
I don't know about photoshop. Cas2 gives a significant performance improvement in some games because a lot of small files are being tranfered in a rapid succession, but Photoshop moves fewer big files, so it's probably less of an issue.

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