Forum Administrators carrying clubs


Mar 12, 2009
I find it very disturbing that these forum administrators use their powers to stop conversations they don't agree with personally by setting a topic thread to "This topic is closed."

Topics which have current posts and replies are being stopped because some guy doesn't agree with the train of thought in them. That is utter B S !!

Within minutes of somebody replying to my previous post, I tried replying to his. But, the arrogant 27-year-old administrator marked the entire topic as "Topic Closed!" (I'm 67-years-old and built my own computers from scratch before he was born!).

I couldn't even reply to an on-going conversation of importance within minutes of the last poster's reply!


Tom's Hardware Guide is no longer trustworthy.
Our moderator team try to apply the forum rules to any actions we apply. If you don't agree with the actions of a moderator (I'm assuming that's who you are referring to, since the admin team rarely lock threads), you are welcome to bring it to another moderator, or the community manager (jpishgar) for further review.

However, your age or past experience play no role in the actions taken. I don't know what happened, or why a topic was closed, but I would suggest reading the forum rules, and seeing if there was a valid reason, if it wasn't stated in the thread closure.


Overlord Emeritus
The method for appealing a moderator action is to send a direct IM to me here on the forums, or via email at

In this particular instance, if the issue was in fact the one referenced by Mousemonkey, please note that Necro'ing threads is against the Rules of Conduct, and most likely the appeal would be rejected.