Trying to figure out what Video Card to buy


May 31, 2012
Just the other day my video card just stopped working, not sure what happened I got the 2 short beeps 1 long meaning my video card. Put in my old one and computer worked but of course the old video card was very very terrible.

My bus is a PCIexpress, I have a 750 watt power supply but due to recent purchases I don't have much money, I have around 250 dollars to spend at the moment and would like to get a new card asap. I am looking for a video card that will support most modern games and provide a good bang for the buck. I am not really looking to overclock, only have 2 fans, don't have heat sinks and don't really know, and would prefer a Nvidia video card.

Thank you in advance.


May 31, 2012
What would be the difference in the superclocked version vs the regular? Would I need more cooling for it to not overheat over the regular?

Edit: I noticed the slight increase of performance but other than that anything worth noting about it?