Problems With Future Upgrades for my Home Built System


Jan 7, 2012
Once again, I find myself consulting the experts hanging around on these forums for some more advice :p
So, it's been about a a year and a half since I built my system, the specs are as followed:
AMD Phenom II 955 OC@3.5Ghz
8GB DDR3 Corsair Vengeance RAM at 1466Mhz (Took me ages to get it stable with an AMD Phenom -_-)
Nvidia GeForce GTS450 1GB DDR5 Clocked at 900MHz core
That's sort of all you need to know for the query, I have a simple Asus mobo.
I'm going to be 16 next week, so I'm not rolling in money, but being my birthday, I'm going to get some, and this thing REALLY needs a refurbish :p I really want to play Battlefield 3 and Crysis 3 (when it arrives) with a decent fps with everything on full settings, so I thought a 3rd gen i5 2570K, and a GeForce GTX560 Ti 448 edition would be plenty because it's quite expensive too, and when I have the money, buying a second for SLI. I look at my current FPS for battlefield 3 and its on the medium settings tab and I'm getting 48fps at a low 39 and at highest 50. I thought, with this new gear, I would be able to play on ultra at 60 fps, especially because it's going to cost about £500. I looked at bench marks and was rather surprised that for all that money, I'm still getting the same fps just on a higher setting... As great as that is, at the moment, I dont like the low frame rate because I can tell when it drops even the slightest and it gets on my nerves and I'm not paying £500 so I can play it on the next setting up at 60fps, I want it on ultra at 60fps for that sort of money...
So I pose the question: If I spend £500 on this new stuff, will the jutterry gameplay stop and will I actually get a better FPS on ultra? Or should I just stick with what I've got and wait (probably 5years) to get the new decent stuff then? LASTLY if anyone has any knowledge of getting better fps etc for a cheaper price or a better graphics card I'd be happy to look and be very grateful.
Thanks for all your help
Actually your system is pretty good right now.

Why not just get yourself a very good GPU, and maybe upgrade next year (all the while saving up for some money). That way you could transfer over your new GPU that you get now, to the new platform and save some money along the way.

BF3 is still quite a demanding game, even with top end rigs.

Something like a GTX 670 would give you a healthy boost over your current GPU, plus it's nearly as fast as the GTX 680, but is lower in cost.


Jan 7, 2012
Like I said, I just don't have the money now, and won't do until I get a job... I would totally go for one of those, I've seen what they can do on games like that and I would like to have something with the new keplar architecture that I'm sure game manufacturers will make use of, but they're about £300? That's a lot from the 185 I was gonna pay, but I'll try saving... Thanks
For gaming, the graphics card is more important than the cpu.
My rule of thumb is to spend twice your cpu budget on the graphics card.
If you are looking at a 3570K, you should be looking at a GTX670.

If you will keep your amd cpu, look at a 7850 class card.


Jan 7, 2012

You sir, are a genius, thank you. I shall use that rule from now on and save for a GTX670! :)


Jan 7, 2012

Unfortunately no, and also, a second gts450 wouldn't make enough difference. That's another £200 with about 10fps difference (a new mobo and another 450), so I think I'm just going to get a GTX670 (eventually) and then save up for the new mobo and processor.