Should I return PSU for a way better one?

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Apr 25, 2011
So here is my predicament that I'd like some opinions on.

I just bought a Rosewell 630watt PSU from amazon that I have untill jan 31 to return if i choose to. Here is the link to the one I just bought for 51 dollars:

Now newegg has this Seasonic 650w, fully modular, 80+ gold, with fully sleeved cables all for 90 bucks:

I really love the seasonic one but is it worth all the effort to take the rosewell out of my case return it and put the new way prettier and more efficient one in? Also there is the cost of return shipping on the rosewell one which I have to consider.

Please post up with what you would do and why.

Thanks for your time and opinions.



you're welcome and i apologize if i said anything offensive in any AMD/intel differences. i'd be happy to provide any help to you i can.

That Rosewill is an OK unit and the seasonic X series is all manor of awesome, but is it worth it? I would like to know more about your system and what you do with it. If this is a basic OEM type system, it might not be worth the trouble.

I'd say - make the return and go for the Seasonic X-650, an outstanding
PSU, and a steal under $100.


ps - why - the peace of mind in having a top tier unit in your system.



Good looking system. I can even see the Rosewill PSU in it. But 13 fans? Don't you think that might be a little bit of overkill? There are servers with fewer fans!

In a system like that, I would have a hard time turning down the Seasonic X-660. I think that is the best PSU under $100 right now. Its a great, great, PSU at an affordable price.

Actually, it looks pretty clean in the photos. But i envision it sounding like a vacuum cleaner.


Apr 25, 2011
It isn't all that loud all the fans are run at low speeds unless I'm in an overclocking session. And even with the 13 fans cranked up they still aren't as loud as the single fan that was on the gtx 470, that thing sounded like a leaf blower.
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