
Aug 19, 2012
Monitor and Computer Accessories
Display Monitor



VGA HD Cable (Xbox 360)

The Build


Power Supply



Graphics Card

Ram Memory Sticks

What are your thoughts on the above build? Could it be better within its price($1,752)? Is one of the parts incompatible with the motherboard? Are there wires that don't come with some of the parts that I need to buy separately? And will this setup be powerful enough to run the latest games at maximum settings, i.e. Skyrim, Crysis, so on. All input will be greatly appreciated!
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16826104318 -Get that mouse instead

As for the rest... DON"T BUY BULLDOZER.
Get a 2500K and a Z68 or Z77 board for around 150$.... trust me 2500K is better for gaming.

Ram looks good, Case looks good. Power supply? eh, i could do better....
Graphics card? http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814127696

You can build a system out of
Haf xm=129.00
Z77 Extreme 6= 179.99
Intel 3570k=229.00
MSI GTX 660 ti PE= 309.99
Corsair 650 Watt Professional Gold= 149
Kingston Hyper X 2x8GB (16GB) 1600mhz = 139.99

and the mouse keyboard and monitor comes down to personal preference

but for the actual system i just put together would cost you...

Just for the computer your total is 1136.97

a good 1080p monitor will run your around 200-250$
OS=80-130$ Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit

Anything else i am missing?


Aug 19, 2012
I feel like I just read Korean. You're all over the place Rock. lol

That mouse was one of the one's I was going to get, but then I read reviews and looked at the picture in full screen and realized I would feel uncomfortable with it. My hands aren't small, but they aren't big either and I could tell that I would be uncomfortable with that mouse after looking at it, which is why I went with the one I listed.

Do you think that psu will be able to handle that rig? Should I get a higher one?

If that motherboard/cpu/graphics card combo isn't as good as others that would come out at around the same price, let me know which one's to look at because it's my first time building a PC. The total is $800 between the motherboard, the cpu, and 2x of that graphics card. If you guys can find something within $800 for those 3 parts, give or take $100, let me know.

Keep in mind that I need a setup which can handle the latest games at maximum settings. Links to the parts on newegg would be appreciated since that's where I'm going to get all this.

Oh, and I messed up the link for the monitor in my first post but this is the one that I'm thinking of getting.
Sorry, my appologies for getting ahead..

um, the mouse i listed and the one you listed are basically designed the same. I have the G500, my hands are like yours, not too big but not small either. I know the G500 will be the right choice for you. As for your cpu/motherboard and graphics. I already told you, AMD FX is not for gaming. If you wanna max out the latest games. you want the combo i listed. the PSU, i listed would be a better deal. I mean 1000 watts is great but you dont need 1000watts for just a graphics card and a 4.5ghz overclock. You can manange with a cheaper 750 watt bronze or gold PSU. the one i listed would be just fine for what you plan to do.. Anything you still have questions about, the monitor loooks like a steller deal if you want to do 3d gaming. If you arent interested in 3d gaming then you may wanna go with a cheaper monitor. But i will say that monitor is a deal and it includes 3d glasses. the keyboard isn't bad, i mean its not for gaming but it tops off the complete set if you wanna get into PC gaming.. Its a worthy keyboard for browsing and some gaming... Usually when i'm looking to get peripherals, i worry about my mouse before my keyboard. If your gonna get into gaming. Intel is the way to go. I made a mistake doing AMD with my gaming build. And i try to spread the word and put together a Intel Solution for someone when theyre on a tight budget. I am not a FAN BOY of Intel but i do understand its the better decision on about 80% of the time. Now i'm not saying you can build a gaming rig out of 100$ but you can make a baller one for 700-800$ that would and will max out the latest games. But you have to know how to balance your budget and put the money on the components that make the difference