
Jun 3, 2012
Whats the best card around the $200 USD price range.
By best i mean beaing able to run newer games at high to near-high settings with good FPS at 1080, assuming this is possible form this price range.
If you can include some specs on what type of performance you get out of the card it would be great.
I would save a little more money and get this it goes toe to toe with a 7850 and it's 20 bucks cheaper Look at the non-reference 560 Ti designs, factory OC'd to 900 Mhz. Among them you will find several models that have upgrade dPCB's and beefed up VRMs. The ones w/ 7 phases or more and the special coolers have been known to top 30% overclocks over the reference card speed.

Asus DCII Cu TOP (900Mhz - 7 phase VRM)
Gigabyte OC (900Mhz - 7 phase VRM)

The 7850's performance is about the same as the 560 Ti 900Mhz.... FYI my neighbor has the Asus DCII Cu TOP it's a straight beast and actually eats his son R6950 for breakfast!
Here the deal with the GTX 480 it runs hot and is a power hog that's why most diss it but little do many honestly know about the 480 they read things on different forums and go with what most say the honest to goodness truth is if you replace the 480 cooling with something like this http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835426026&Tpk=gelid%20icy%20vision#top all bets are off nice knowing you R7850 but your toast the 480 Overclocks like a beast drivers are up to date it's by far a stable card and it deserves far more respect than it gets just my 2 cents...