First PC build and i could use some help.


Jan 10, 2012
Approximate Purchase Date: 1 - 2 Weeks

Budget Range: $1000 before rebates and after tax

System Usage from Most to Least Important: ( gaming, surfing the internet, picture editing)

Are you buying a monitor: not now

Parts to Upgrade: everything current PC

Do you need to buy OS: Yes windows 7 home 64 bit
Please note that if you're using an OEM license of Windows, you will need a new one when buying a new motherboard.

Preferred Website(s) for Parts:

Location: Northeast Ohio. there is a microcenter near my location so i prefer to use that to avoid shipping payments

Parts Preferences: i was looking at cpu and i am stuck between Intel i5 2500k for 159.99 and AMD FX 8150 eight core

Overclocking: Yes i would like to try and learn too.

SLI or Crossfire: Maybe

Your Monitor Resolution: 1440x900 but i would like to upgrade to a 1080p monitor in the future

Additional Comments: I am also stuck between GTX 500s vs cards or Radeon 6000s vs 7000s
600s. I really want to play ArmA and have alot of AI so a fast CPU would be nice and some nice graphics.
And Most Importantly, Why Are You Upgrading: my old PC sucks and consoles are limited.


No competition. i5 smokes the FX. However, if you get the 3570K for $190, you get $50 off your mobo, so it ends up cheaper than getting the i5 2500K.

With your budget, you can get the 3570K, a 670, and 8GB of RAM.